Today I have been assigned to lazy duties. It is about all I am fit for at the mo although it did successfully involve buying a new white shirt, buying some nice things for tea from M&S, putting fresh bed linen on, doing a load of washing, picking up my dry cleaning, discussing a shite deli in Dulwich Village with Trading Standards, eating quite a few jelly beans, taking delivery of a nice case of wine from Majestic and eating yet more jelly beans. I am resting in prep for my return to Leamington tomorrow for Zena's funeral on Friday.
Already it seems so strange. I spent a week with Dad up in Leamington, keeping him company, having a bit of a clear out of Zena's rubbish, not her things, just her rubbish, and doing a range of other low level supportive tasks. It was nice to spend such a long time in Leamington and reacquaint myself with the old place. I have suggested to Justin that we move there, as the sainsbury's is about twice the size, and it is easy to park everywhere!
This being a semi orphan though is taking me in many strange ways. Most of the time i feel OK, sad, strange, somewhat out of sorts, but OK, and then at the drop of a hat I am very sad. I am sure things will be like this for sometime, and I am dreading the funeral on Friday where there will be loads of people asking how I am and being very sorry and sad themselves etc. But I am looking forward to hearing lots of interesting stories about Zena and how her path crossed with a whole range of people. We shall see.
But anyway another reason for blogging is because my being lazy day has also involved surfing for the mad and the interesting on the interwap. I have come across a few good sites today which should produce a chuckle at least, and I hope they give you a laugh as they did me.
I have also added a range of the books I have read recently and can thoroughly recommend them all, so if you are looking for a read have a flick through my shelves for some literary inspiration.
Take care.