Monday 1 June 2009

On Mother Kelly's Doorstep

Danny La Rue - the world’s most glamorous woman
And the most charming man in the business gone but not forgotten.
I know you were sad when dear Jack Hanson died,
And now we are the sad ones and oh how we’ve cried.

My brother let me know - it was all over the news
Annie Galbraith told the world and now everyone is sharing their views
I’m glad she was with you and you’d not been ill too long.
All the papers are saying you were a huge huge star, and they are not wrong

I remember I met you once, you seemed to me so tall
In a blue velvet suit with fancy trim it was at the Drill Hall
You had a huge smile and said ‘I’m so famous you know’
You beamed and announced ‘They call me Mr and Mrs Soho!’

I even went to your club once, but just for a drink,
this was in the 90’s so was it still yours? I don’t think
I have over the years become such a huge, huge fan
I’ve got all your stuff, pics, autographs, movies and show programmes

My prize possession apart from come spy with me -
‘Settle down, get out of town and say bye bye, bye bye‘ on DVD
Is the menu from La Rues – all French and fancy, very outré
Mixed grill la Rue, oeufs au lard and my great favourite – crepe Danny!

So now you are top billing - drag queen to the stars
Dear Daniel Patrick Carroll we remember you, so fond in our hearts
Who will now sing mother Kelly and all the other old songs,
We’ll miss you, your drags and your riches we’re so sorry you’ve gone

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